Membership Renewal
Thank you for choosing to renew your membership in the League of Women Voters. We look forward to your continued participation as a voting member of the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS), the League of Women Voters of Maryland (LWVMD) and the League of Women Voters of Queen Anne's County (LWVQAC). Anyone who is at least 16 years old may become a full voting member.
Our membership year extends from July 1 to June 30. To renew online as an individual member, please select $52.00 below ($50 plus $2 credit card processing fee).
To join or renew online as a household (two members at the same address), please select $81.00 below ($78 plus $3 credit card processing fee). Be sure to provide the names of both household members.
LWVQAC welcomes your support of the nonpartisan voter services we provide exclusively in Queen Anne's County through our 501(c)(3) Education Fund. You may add a tax-deductible donation to your membership dues by entering the combined sum in "Other" or click here to be redirected to a donation page.
If you prefer to pay by check, please click here for a downloadable membership form. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
LWVQAC waives annual membership dues for students who are enrolled, full-time or part-time, in an accredited institution. Please click here to apply for student membership.