Get Involved


The League of Women Voters was founded in 1920 after a 72-year struggle to gain women's right to vote.  The initial purpose of the League was to help education 20 million women faced with new rights and responsibilities.  Programs and priorities have changed over the years, but the League remains true to its basic purposes:

  • Promoting the informed and active participation of citizens in government
  • Increasing understanding of major public policy issues
  • Influencing public policy through education and advocacy


IN 2003, the League of Women Voters of Queen Anne's County (LWVQAC) was formed to accomplish the League's mission in our county.  The League promotes the informed and active participation of citizens in their government.  LWVQAC is interested in and concerned about:

  • Good government
  • Education
  • Environmental issues
  • Social issues
  • Voter information
  • Affordable housing
  • Land use
  • Families and children


  • Provide accurate, nonpartisan information on elections and governmental issues
  • Publish primary and general election Voters' Guides
  • Register voters
  • Sponsor candidate forums
  • Co-sponsor events with other local organizations
  • Publish a pamphlet called "Guide to Government Officials for Queen Anne's County Residents"
  • Monitor activities of county, state and federal governments


Any person at least 16 years old is eligible to join the League.  

As a member of LWVQAC you will:

  • Meet people who care about what happens in Queen Anne's County and Maryland
  • Automatically become a member of the League of Women Voters of the United States and the League of Women Voters of Maryland
  • Receive communications from national, state and local levels
  • Make your voice heard in the American political process.

Click here to join.